Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blame Game, Round Four: Can We Do Something About Homeland Security NOW?

What did they know and when did they know it means NADA, shit and squat, if what they knew amounts to nothing being done about the problem, i.e. "homeland security" (don't get me started). Again, a liberal think-tank (American Progress Action Fund) has to do the heavy lifting of getting what we already know about the stinkin' bodies in the closet out of the damn closet! Now, can we Do Something?
Former members of the 9/11 Commission will release a report detailing how the federal government has failed to enact crucial homeland security reforms that could have saved lives and improved the sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina. Some of the members' concerns center on the lacking communications capabilities of local emergency officials and the absence of a clear system of command and control for responding to a crisis. The Associated Press notes that the radio communications system for the New Orleans police and fire departments dissolved as the first responders tried to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Louisiana state Sen. Robert Barnham said the Louisiana emergency officials were "no better off than were were [on 9/11]." "The fact that Congress has chosen not to do something about this is a national scandal that has cost lives," said former 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean.

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