Saturday, September 03, 2005

Winger Compassion For NO Looters

From popular blog little green footlballs comes this post:
An LGF reader forwarded these quotes about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900:

Looters found despoiling the dead were stood against the nearest wall or pile of debris and shot without hindrance of a trial. The grisly work of collecting the dead continued by torchlight. The workers were issued generous rations of bourbon and strong cigars. They breathed through handkerchiefs soaked in bourbon and smoked cigars to mask the smell.

In the sweltering heat that followed the storm, decomposition was rapid. The bodies soon lost the rigidity of rigor mortis and had to be shoveled into carts. At times the fixed bayonets of the militia were all that kept many of the men at their work. Superintendents of the work gangs were finally given permission to torch the wreckage wherever found rather than try to extricate pieces of flesh from the ruins and cart them away.

“It was like living in a battlefield. The fuel-oil smoke hung over the city, day and night, and the heavy air was never free of the smell of carbolic acid, of lime, of putrefaction.”

— Death from the Sea: The Galveston Hurricane of 1900, Herbert Molloy Mason, Jr.

Looters found despoiling the dead were summarily executed by the militia - stood against the nearest wall or pile of debris and shot without the hindrance of a trial. The same brutal justice was delivered to amateur photographers. “Word received from Galveston today indicates that Kodak fiends are being shot down like thieves. Two, it is stated, were killed yesterday while taking pictures of nude female bodies.”

— Dallas News, September 14, 1900.
Some responses:
I still am amazed at local response to instant devastation and the difference leadership, organization, integrity, and willingness to assume the mantle of responsibility on the part of the city administration can make.

I look at the mayor of NO and I see a whining, hand wringing, blame gaming incompetent do nothing. I remember 9/11 and I think of Guiliani in the midst of downtown, with all of his staff with him, evaluating the situation, offering stability, hope, guidance, formulation plans and seeing first hand what needed to be done. And I never saw him afraid. He was an inspiration. I never say Nagin at the Superdome, never saw him in a boat, never saw him with people whose lives had been devastated. I never saw him with the police chief, with the fire chief, with any one of responsibility OUT IN THE COMMUNITY during the situation, assesing, comforting, supporting, calming, etc. I only see him blaming, blaming, blaming....but never himself.

And, while I'm at it, I call for the dissolution of the Black Caucus...a most divisive and hate mongering group. When the times call for all Americans to pull together what do these idiots do? Promote more trouble. Offer no solutions. Terrible people, just terrible people...they should be ashamed of themselves.
“This is making a lot of us think about not reenlisting (in the Guard).” Ferguson said. “You have to think about whether it is worth risking your neck for someone who will turn around and shoot at you. We didn’t come here to fight a war. We came here to help.”
This is what they meant when they said "...All enemies, foreign and domestic..."

Remember, the Democrats support the looters.
Remember, the Democrats support the looters.
How true.

I just read a story in the Washington Times where Rep. Melvin Watts, speaking for the House version of the Black Congressional Caucas (all Dems naturally) said

"Whatever is being taken could not be used by anyone else anyway," he said. "Whether they are looting or not, we should not be categorizing people as criminals for trying to survive and focusing on policing buildings that are not of any use to anyone."

Watts doesn't let facts get in his way, the fact that looters were taking TVs and watches and jewelry, in addition to those who were just trying to survive, isn't mentioned.

When one sees the total breakdown of civil society, where thugs steal things and assault others just because they can, where irresponsible politicians justify this thuggery, it is a wonder that there is anyone in America who doesn't understand why the law abiding need the right to own firearms for self defense.
Very true.

To that list, I would add:

- A 9mm or .45 cal sidearm (preferably .45) for each adult.
- A 12 gauge shotgun

One thousand rounds.

Sadly, I'm completely serious.
My first reaction to the looters on tv was that they should be shot. Then I saw that they had electronics and tennis shoes and I thought it was'nt worth it to shoot them.

I would shoot someone trying to rob me, but I will not shoot a robber robbing you, if he poses no physical threat to you. (unless the 'you' of course is immediate family or dear friend)

If store owners or home owners want to shoot those looting, I see no problem with that. In fact I would encourage it.

(vote for me in 2008)
I made my donation on Thursday, and you can bet you butt it wasn't to the Red Cross.
I will be contributing money to the rescue effort and I empathize with those suffering, but: By and large, the pathetic mire of humanity wandering about New Orleans are victims of the leftist agenda.

* They have been told that they can't succeed, so don't bother. The government will take care of them.

* They have been told they don't need to worry about their neighbor, because the government will take care of him.

* They have been told its ok to join gangs and behave like those rapper thugs and criminals in the media, the ACLU will defend them.

* They have been taught not to trust whites, or 'the man' so they only vote for minority candidates, regardless of their qualification or ethics. (I know people who do this!)

* They have been taught that to advance in life is to 'sell out' or 'act white'.

These lessons have taken away their self reliance, compassion, self discipline, creativity, and general ability to think on their feet. They are now like spoiled children who demand to be taken care of without helping themselves. (No, I don't believe this is a racial characteristic, and yes I understand that some are genuinely in need of help)
If something on a larger scale ever happens to us, we all need to be ready to step up to the plate and take care of ourselves and each other without having to wait on the government. If we have to deal with people like these, we will be in deep trouble.

Once we have rescued these people, we need to take a long hard look at how society has set them up to fail.
Yeah, it is one thing to take food or water, it is entirely another thing to take a big screen TV.

And it's a whole new ballgame when you fire on cops, civilians, and now US Soldiers to steal a big screen TV. Like I said the other day, life is pretty damn tough with out a big screen TV when the city doesn't have power.

And the Democrats still support it.
Some people have brought up today's version of "Kodak fiends"- the photographers for AP, Reuters, AFP, etc. Let's use that phrase from now on! Every time we have a thread about some MSM photo of a "militant" or some jihadi, call the photographer a Kodak fiend.
In the abstract, I tend to agree. But I think its probably unworkable in practice.

The problem is that allowing that kind of behaviour only tacitly encourages more. Soon there's a spiral into social chaos -- especially in a situation like N'Orleans.

Shooting looters isn't about stolen TVs or Levi's. Its about maintaining order. Its about creating an environment that ensures people will be on their best behavior even if they aren't inclined to do so. closing...
The Bushitler Hurricane mind phuck coming out of the left, AND, all those apoliticals, is maybe the worst comment on the left in the last 100 years.

I want to thank you all here, for being an impressive island of sanity in this rain of lunacy the left is vomiting on the world.

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