Sunday, May 01, 2005

Internal PM Blair Memo Nails Bush for 'Fixing' Intelligence to Suit Iraq War Policy!

What does it take to get Americans off their asses and into the courts to try Bush for war crimes? How many of YOUR kids have to die for this megalomaniac who thinks God tells him to start a war (nice justification)? The story from Britain and The Independent:
"A damning minute leaked to a Sunday newspaper reveals that in July 2002, a few weeks after meeting George Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Mr Blair summoned his closest aides for what amounted to a council of war. The minute reveals the head of British intelligence reported that President Bush had firmly made up his mind to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein, adding that 'the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy'."
From the Britsh Sunday Times, here is the text of the 'leaked' memo.

I refuse to believe that Americans are going to sit by and--knowing now what we should have known then--continue to accept this president, the so-called moral straight-shooter, to run this country.

On this basis I for one call for the impeachment of George W. Bush. And so should you (oh, and if you're wondering if this is impeachable, imagine how this would be handled were it Clinton instead).

[UPDATE] Kos founder Markos Moulitsas' article in the Guardian Unlimited.

[UPDATE] Bush's March 2003 press conference comments (before invasion).

[UPDATE 5-17-2005] Alternet article here:
Thanks to a formerly secret memorandum published by the London Sunday Times on May 1, during the run-up to the British elections, we now have a partial answer to that question. The memo, which records the minutes of a meeting of Prime Minister Tony Blair's senior foreign policy and security officials, shows that even as president Bush told Americans in October 2002 that he "hope[d] the use of force will not become necessary" -- that such a decision depended on whether or not the Iraqis complied with his demands to rid themselves of their weapons of mass destruction -- the president had in fact already definitively decided, at least three months before, to choose this "last resort" of going "into battle" with Iraq. Whatever the Iraqis chose to do or not do, the President's decision to go to war had long since been made.

[UPDATE 5-29-05] British RAF forces increased bombing raids in Iraq in 2002--were US and Britain already waging 'war'? dKos diary with Congressman John Conyers letter to Rumsfeld here.

[UPDATE 6-1-05] The site AfterDowningStreet has been launched to further efforts at drawing investigation into the matter.

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