Saturday, March 26, 2005

An Easter Thank You to Terri Shiavo

As that poor woman, Terri Shiavo, dies before our eyes (as she would have, removed from feeding tubes at any point since becoming dependent on them) most citizens regardless of party are sickened by the media and political spectacle right-to-lifer's and savvy Republicans have made of her.

I hate hearing about it, reading about it, knowing about it. And it is not her particular case or death alone that upsets me, but that she is one of millions who languish, die, dehydrate and starve in our wealthy country (or globally) every year from lack of money, concern, care or political interest. A greater writer than I can and will codify in elegantly simple language the complex interactions between the many issues eliciting our deep anguish over I will let my emotional expression go at that.

What I would like to point out, is that from this national scandal of political self-interest, the Right is practically ripping it's own heart out; I feel for those who are having the scales from their eyes lifted. They are in shock, and here and there on right-wing blogs conservatives are starting to feel disgusted by the blood sport being made of Michael Shiavo--even posting the original 2003 document presented to Jeb Bush regarding Terri's condition--so they can find the truth, so suspicious are some becoming of the accusations Rush, Savage and the MSM are making. They are starting to question their 'masters'.

Terri may end up being a martyr, but at least her death may not be futile.

Thank you, Terri--if there is a God--may you rest therein.

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