Thursday, January 13, 2005

Not One Thin Dime Day: Uhm, maybe...

In theory, I think Not One Thin Dime Day as a protest against the Iraq War is off-base. It won't stop the war. Conservatives know it will pass and make a mockery of it in the process.

I would prefer Not One Thin RED Dime Year. A year in which committed liberals boycott every Republican money engine. A year in which liberals switch banking institutions and change buying and investing patterns to only support liberal businesses, financial institutions and causes. A whole year in which they switch their investments into portfolios of non-war, pro-minority, environmentally sustainable goods and services. One in which, if they can't find a liberal-cause beer company, they stop drinking beer; if their mortgage company supports Republicans, they refinance their home; if they have to eat organic meat once a week instead of slaughter house meat every day, they do that too. In short, an entire year in which 56 million liberals make a commitment of substance. I can hear Republicans laughing already.

So what is the real number liberals need to take that grin off Republican faces? 5% of 56 million - 2.8 million? Less than the population of New York City? I don't have the mathematical answer, but I do know this; if 2.5 million liberals took up a serious effort to change their spending habits from laissez-faire to intention-only, the economy could be affected but even better, those new habits would last years...and years. In significant numbers over time, liberals could shake the foundations of marketing psychology. They could prove consumers, not corporations, are in charge of choice...and that idea scares the shit out of Republicans!

Now, doesn't that sound like a lot more fun?

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