Sunday, December 12, 2004

A Yellow Ribbon for the Rest of U.S.!!!

I'm not a proponent of consumerism, but I do know that marketing is a political tool and if the other guy has more tools (toys) at the end of the day, he wins. Our team has the edge on cool tee-shirts and bumper stickers hands down - and now we are getting the newest of political marketing toys (er, tools) - ribbon magnets! I want an orange one for you know what. Until then, spend a few bucks at United for Peace and Justice and get an equally good thing:
All over the country, everywhere you go, people are displaying "Support the Troops" magnets on their automobiles. At United for Peace and Justice, we believe the best way to support the troops is to bring an end to the unjust, unnecessary, and disastrous war in Iraq. So we've created our own version of the yellow ribbon car magnet, with a highly visible peace sign and the slogan, "Bring the Troops Home Now!" Watching the Watchers (click the ribbon under the newly added Products section) you can order a ribbon in yellow or black with a slogan of theirs or one in your own cool is that?

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