Thursday, December 16, 2004

Think Green, Buy Blue

It being the Holiday Season I know most of you will buy stuff whether I think it's a good idea or not (I heard that) so at least use your pesos to unsupport Repug backers while you're at it.

Heck, voting for ideas with your dollars has been a great LIBERAL idea since the 60's (not a recent invention of the Christian Right-wing-nut's letter campaigns). The early Whole Earth Catalog provided the link from real out-of-the-box thinking to out-of-the-box tools. Creative thinking led to enough creative entrepreneurs and market for 80's movers and shakers like Co-op America to take root. Sadly, that fantastic, expansive thinking of pioneering cultural 60's liberals is today reduced by Repug freedom-haters to intentionally distorted frames of that decade's worst usurpers - corporate pop culture, stupid genre flicks and potheads. Well, I digress....

This Holiday Season (bite me O'Reilley) your mission is to support the Buy Blue Current Campaign:
"Our goal here is to provide you information on who gave what to what political party this last election cycle. There are many factors which will eventually pertain to the 'Blue-approved' label, however with buying season upon us, we quickly wanted to give people SOMETHING to go off of. Political donations and their effects are but one of many factors we will look at when a company is taken into consideration. We understand that there are Blue-contributors which have less than savory business practices, and we will be focusing on 'the big picture' in the coming weeks."
Hey, maybe we could send Bill a boxcar of coal...

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