Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Ohio - State Lawmakers Look to Prevent Future Recounts

The ironies of Repuglican understatements are endless(ly) nauseating:
State lawmakers look to prevent future recounts: "This is an exercise in futility and a ridiculous waste of county tax money,' said Larry Long, executive director of the County Commissioners Association of Ohio. 'Neither candidate has any chance of winning, so what's the point?"
Well, if their complaint were only about Badnarek and Cobb, yes. But Long's sleight-of-mouth avoids Kerry's legal request to protect ballot documentation and his clear and real interest in an accurate ballot count. Obviously the Repugs are scared and shoring up their fraud machine requires thought-shifting the population from the understanding of Repug's intentionally fraudulent actions of voter-repression onto a seemingly frivolous concept - you know, like those frivolous malpractice or frivolous corporate liability lawsuits. Uh-huh.

How about holding election officials legally liabel for vote-related problems instead? How about training the volunteers who are handling the most precious right Americans have - to hire and fire their government representatives? How about over-hauling election laws and rules so partisan hands are kept out of voting altogether? How about just getting voter's eyes on the correct ball in the game - the sanctity of votes - and off the refs rule-shifting and blame-placing?


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