Saturday, December 11, 2004

2004 Election Forum Action List

Okay. Following up on my last post regarding Conyer's hearings and the action list I promised, here we go...

Monday December 13 is a Very Important Day in Ohio. The events are congressman John Conyer's 2004 Election Forum and attorney Cliff Arnebeck's filing of a suit to overturn the Ohio election results. Between the time you read this post and then, you need to get involved in any activity in your area that is organized to protest or otherwise bring attention to the Ohio recount effort.

First, this link at Ohio Election Fraud blog lists the 2004 Election Forum event details:
Second, these two links to Bob Fertik's blog at (links from December 10 and 11 respectively) explain first, the nature of Arnebeck's lawsuit and then a list of the 5 actions you can take now to make the events in Ohio more effective. I strongly suggest you follow point two's link to Fertik's blog. That post has at least 4 more links I DID NOT include in it below.
  • Stolen Election 2004: Saturday Update | Blog: "The Arnebeck suit to overturn the official Ohio Election results will be filed Monday in Ohio. It has been delayed to add additional documentation showing that Kerry was the likely winner in Ohio if all eligible votes were counted in a fair manner. The documentation includes strong documentation that systematic voter suppression occurred in Ohio, with widespread malfeasance for election officials and staff. The documentation also includes evidence of mistakes or irregularities in many precincts and strong evidence of irregularities or fraud in many precincts. Follow up in individual precincts by volunteers appears to have already confirmed some of the fraud indicated. Much of the evidence comes from the documentation compiled through voter meetings in Ohio."
Immediate Actions:

1. Call/fax/email Ken Blackwell and demand specific answers to the 34 specific questions from Congressional Democrats. Also demand he recuse himself from the recount because he co-chaired the Bush campaign: (877) 767-6446 (toll-free) (614) 466-2655 (local) (614) 644-0649 (fax)

2. Call/email House Judiciary Committee chair James Sensenbrenner and demand official public hearings on election fraud in Ohio: 202-225-2492

3. There is an amazing amount of election fraud organizing all across the country! Attend a No Stolen Election protest (also here) in your community. Help organize a You Stole My Vote rally in your State Capital on Dec. 12. Swap transportation or housing for the Ohio recount.

4. Tell the media to break their silence about (or GOP-prompted dismissal of) Ohio's election fraud. Search for a specific news organization, chose 3 states (DC, OH, NY) or write 'em all.

5. Urge House Democrats to challenge Ohio's electors. Urge Democratic Senators to join them.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Broken links? Suggestions? Other stuff? Contact me here...

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