Friday, March 25, 2005

Save Terri Schiavo Or I'll Kill You

This APS story sums up what conservative zealots feel emboldened and righteous in doing:
A man arrested in Buncombe County Friday was charged with threatening the husband of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman at the center of the right-to-die case gripping the country.
Meywes is accused of sending an e-mail putting a $250,000 bounty 'on the head of Michael Schiavo' and another $50,000 to eliminate a judge who denied a request to intervene in the Schiavo case, the FBI said. The FBI did not immediately identify the judge.
And this is why:
Last week, Congress and President Bush entered the battle to force the case to be heard by federal courts. Since then, all courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have refused to intervene to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tubes restored.
Does this surprise you, when the once-democratic nation of the United States, guided for hundreds of years by the rule of law (laws established by the interaction of senate and congress informed by thousands of precedents slowly and painstakingly developed following the guiding principle of the constitution to the joy and consternation of rich and poor, winner and loser alike) falls in a bloodless coup handed over by embedded right-wing high-court judges to a party leadership hungry for a theocratic revision allowing, under cover of their so-called God, nothing short of the wholesale destruction of the moderate judicial system that is the final and only bulwark against their lunatic plans of global corporate domination under the guise of so-called American style democracy?

If you didn't vote against Bush, you voted for him. If you didn't agitate against his party you were a silent enabler of its rise.

If you don't work against the end of this vile regime now and forever, you will suffer and die by it. They have you in their sites...can you feel their eyes?

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