Friday, March 04, 2005

MUST READ: DKos Diary - A Promise to My Grandfather (Roman Edemskoi - 58877241)

Since the days of Ronald Reagan and Karl Rove's entry into politics, things have been weird and getting weirder. I don't know if he actually is THE BEAST 666 (or just alien) but he is definitely warping the reality around him and not a day goes by that things don't get weirder. Today is such (another) day. But I have also noticed that the Forces Of Good seem to be rallying and if I didn't believe in such things I would think there is a war against Evil in Heaven mirroring our war against Bush/Rove here on Earth, and in Heaven at least, we are gaining ground.

My evidence of that war comes in moments of serendipity such as the one following. First, I received an email from MoveOn requesting that we mobilize our grassroots fight because:
Karl Rove recently announced that he was setting up a "permanent campaign" -- modeled on Bush/Cheney ‘04 -- to force a sweeping right-wing agenda through Congress. The same corporate donors are donating, the same ground troops are organizing -- even people like the Swift Boat Veterans are back in business, all working together to gut Social Security, confirm extremist judges, and silence the Democrats.
Immediately after that I read on dKos a diary with a clarity of such emotional power that, should I tire of the hate-filled attacks, remind me of why I must never, never, never give up. Holocaust Auschwitz

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