Thursday, March 24, 2005

INCOMING (AGAIN): For $940 You Too Can Sell Your Child for Chemical Research AT HOME!!!

From canary chronicles EPA and Human Testing: What is CHEERS?
...the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is paying Florida families who “spray or have pesticides sprayed inside your home routinely” to study their infant children. When agency scientists started to question the ethics of the study, EPA removed the protocol from its website.
Mike Malloy covered this on his March 23 broadcast including a side rant that according to the revered Snopes (urban legend debunking site) it is not the case (funny, I found a discrepancy with Snopes over the WTO Codex 'urban legend' which BTW, is NOT an urban legend--see this--so what's up with Snopes?).

Anyway, I suspect that the study is paying folks who already routinely use these chemicals in their homes, to monitor their kids--yes, paying them for it--but not necessarily asking them to add more chemicals than they already use. But the point isn't (just) that they're asking folks to add industrial value to their kid's lives (I mean why not get a few extra bucks for having the little rats around), or that industry is finally paying to collect data on what it has always done--use humans for product testing; it is that the results will then be used to downgrade EPA rules thus allowing higher exposure level limits of chemicals presently in use (and assume that will lower the bar for new chemical product introductions as well), which will result in higher product and health costs for users and revenue streams for manfacturers! Oh, and with all those reductions in EPA standards there will be less production control and related cotst for protecting manufacturing employees thus COST SHIFTING RISK TO CITIZENS AND PROFIT TO MANUFACTURERS (do these guys ever pay for anything, well, beside political favors?).

I may have issues with some aspects of that great weirdo cult film The Matrix, but boy am I feeling like a "Coppertop" right now...

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