Thursday, December 02, 2004

INCOMING: Chemical Lobotomy Law

Your kids (and then you) will be submitted to mandatory psych testing. And if found outside the norm you will be drugged. And you will accept it or violate the law. Either way, you will be controlled. Yea, no kidding.

Some other thoughts from an article in October at
Unlike medical diagnoses that are ultimately based on objective biological evidence, psychiatric diagnoses are based on what people say and do. Such diagnoses are moral and political, not medical judgments. Brain science is still in its infancy: Why is one kind of behavior interpreted as a sign of mental or brain disease but not another kind? Besides, behavior has reasons, not causes. That principle is at the very core of what we mean by personhood. (Brain-scan technology cannot refute this principle because it does not identify causes of behavior. Correlation is not causation.)

The New Freedom Commission recommendation that everyone be screened for mental illness whenever he goes to the doctor and that children be monitored for mental illness in government schools is a plan to stigmatize people for "inappropriate" behavior and speech. It is also a plan for the widespread drugging of adults and children under government supervision. There is also reason to fear the improper influence of drug companies.

Allen Jones, formerly of the Pennsylvania Inspector General's Office, revealed a similar program was started in his state after drug companies curried favor with state officials. The British Medical Journal reported: "In July 2002, Mr. Jones . . . uncovered evidence of payments into an off-the-books account. The account, earmarked for 'educational grants' was funded in large part by Pfizer and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Payments were made from the account to state employees who developed formulary guidelines recommending expensive new drugs over older, cheaper drugs with proved track records. One of the recommended drugs was Janssen's Risperdal — a drug that has recently been found to have potentially lethal side effects."
And I would blow this off as laughable in America except that Bush, who has never been psychiatrically evaluated or drugged - except by alcohol, cocaine, God and Power - is insane enough to, well, do it.

This is serious enough that I feel nauseated.

Get your passport renewed. Now.
And then fight this like it's the only thing that matters because if this happens...oh, and you know how they love those ironic titles: Clean Skies, Healthy Forests and now, New Freedom.

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