Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Feingold: Alito Would Be "Dangerous Addition" to Court

It can't be said any better:
Feingold: Alito Would Be "Dangerous Addition" to Court: "Not to be lost in the reporting on Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee vote to endorse the nomination of Judge
Samuel Alito to serve on the Supreme Court is the fact that U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record), D-Wisconsin, has voted for the first time in his Senate career against a Supreme Court nominee.

More than any other vote by a member of the committee -- which split 10-8 along partisan lines, with all Republicans backing Alito and all Democrats opposing his nomination -- Feingold's vote stands out.

While the seven other Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had all voted against one or more Republican nominees for the high court, Feingold had, until Tuesday, voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee, Republican or Democrat, to come before the panel.

This break in pattern by the man who is arguably the Senate's most adventurous thinker and independent player ought to serve as a basis for rethinking strategies with regard to blocking the nomination as it now moves to the full Senate -- up to and including the prospect of a filibuster.

Simply put, if Alito is unacceptable to Feingold, then he should be unacceptable to a good many other senators -- including moderate Republicans with whom Feingold has worked closely on campaign finance reform and a host of other issues over the years, such as Maine Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee."

But I will add that unlike many liberals who think this is a done deal--I DON'T! No fight is over until YOU stop fighting. I called Dem senators (here)--again--today. So can you.

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