Friday, January 20, 2006

Justice Department Declares Warrantless Wiretaps Legal

Guys please, you're just going to have to get used to it; Bush WILL get a pass on everything he does--legal or not--ethical or not--"American" or not--you name it, until the day he's out of office (and of course I think there's a fifty percent chance he'll never leave office, well, on his own two feet that is). The Corporation is using him to set precedent to overturn laws so far down the pike you don't even know they exist. NSA taps for "terrorist" activity? Please. NSA taps for counter-Bush (read: counter corporate) activity.

Bush does NOT work for you. He never did. You didn't plant him in office, The Corporation did. He works for them. You (we) are on our own.
"'The NSA activities are supported by the President’s well-recognized inherent constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and sole organ for the Nation in foreign affairs to conduct warrantless surveillance of enemy forces for intelligence purposes to detect and disrupt armed attacks on the United States,' Justice Department lawyers write, referring to the President's order to wiretap Americans' calls overseas.

It adds, 'The President has the chief responsibility under the Constitution to protect America from attack, and the Constitution gives the President the authority necessary to fulfill that solemn responsibility.'"

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