Friday, January 20, 2006

Osama bin ELF Finally Captured!

Now, why is bin Laden still sending us home-movies? Oh yeah, America's finest is chasing ELF's.

I find it remarkable that Gonzale's concern with "domestic terrorism" ( Timothy McVeigh...I'm shaking in my fuzzy slippers) includes folks who want to stop something I completely agree SHOULD be stopped and because of corporate lobbying, won't be stopped unless someone gets the spine to make it an issue. Those things (just two of a likely thousand or so) are irresponsible logging (read: forest rape) and ghastly animal experiments. By the way--do you know what "death tests" are--the ones they routinely run on animals to see how much of a toxic chemical they can be force-fed until they die? Look on the label of anything under your sink. DT="x" is the number. Oh and did you know they destroy the vocal chords so the dying animals can't be heard screaming?...but I digress.

Honestly, this kind of domestic terrorism I support but I don't understand why this guy is out walking around...
"Director Robert S. Mueller III of the F.B.I., who appeared at the session with Mr. Gonzales, said one of the bureau's 'highest domestic terrorism priorities' is catching and prosecuting 'those who commit crime and terrorism in the name of animal rights or environmental issues.'
Jerry Vlasak, a spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, said none of the people named in the indictment had anything to do with the incidents cited, 'and we feel they will be exonerated.' The authorities 'simply have no idea' who belongs to the animal-rights groups, 'so they round up people they do know and squeeze them for information on other people,' he said."

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