Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dude, Where's My Party?

"When Murtha stepped forward, alone, and fired off that rock, Republicans did what Republicans do best, they attacked. Poor John turned to rally his troops, but they were long gone. Many were clustered for cover around CNN microphones, declaring as loudly as they could, 'Murtha? He's not with me,' and 'Hardly know the guy,' and 'Sure, John's a brave American. No one questions that. But he doesn't speak for me or most other Democrats on this one.'

Hillary Clinton said she respects Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., the Vietnam veteran and hawkish ex-Marine who last week called for an immediate troop pullout. But she added: 'I think that would cause more problems for us in America.'

Oh you pack of quisling cowards. Run away! Run Away! Retreat and defeat.

This is why Dems never win anymore. And why Americans lose and lose and lose again. We lose jobs, we lose medical care, we lose sons and daughters. Because the when the other side starts shooting Democrats hoist the white flag of surrender and political cowardice. Instead of rallying around defensible positions and yelling 'Bring em on! Pass the ammunition,' they whimper, 'Waffles, damn it! We need more waffles up here. They're killing us with our own words. Pass the friggin waffles!'"

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