Saturday, December 10, 2005


Many years ago a lover and I were coasts apart over The HOLIDAYS. As a kind of sentimental grieving we dubbed the time "XWAS"--the Christmas That Couldn't Be. It was very 'inside' as far as jokes go but I, having a post-it note on my fridge that reads "Different is Good but Weird is Better", always felt XWAS never got deserved recognition for being a damn cool term.

So this year, in recognition of how Radical Christians have turned the Jewish Prince of Peace's Holy Day (ah-hem, HOLIDAY) into a month of political kvetching, I give all of you XWAS-- the Christmas Nobody Can Enjoy (without thinking of Fox News and Wingers and The Republican Party). I mean you do know the embroglio is a political marketing ploy to gain access and imprintation on one of the few unpoliticized segments left on that RAM brain sector in your head? Oh well, garbage in, garbage out...

Of course, many other liberals sanely see the pandering for what it is (pandering) and are also devoting sections of their coverage to the 2005 HOLIDAY Travesties:

"Even the people who appear to sincerely fighting the so-called War on Christmas are doing so with a healthy dose of jackassery. Take Reverend Rob Schenck. He's assembled a nativity scene in the front yard of his office, which is across the street from our crumbling Supreme Court. He's done so not out of reasons of faith, but out of cynical political chicanery: if the city makes him take it down, he can scream bloody murder over the War on Christmas. If the city doesn't make him take it down, he can scream bloody murder over courthouses disallowing displays of the Ten Commandments.

Not exactly the sincerest pumpkin patch, in other words.

Face it, the War on Christmas is just like all our other wars -- the people who want to see them waged would do everything in their power to avoid fighting in one. Fight in a war? Isn't that what poor people are for?

If people really want to have an actual War on Christmas, let's dispense with the nativity stunts -- let's get an arena filled with actual lions up and running and get down to it. But be careful what you wish for: if the President was to learn of a mysterious trio of swarthy gentlemen smuggling goods to a newly born child who's destined to grow up to be the leader of a Middle East insurgency, he'd have Colin Powell up at the United Nations portentiously waving around a vial of frankincense. They bomb mangers, don't they?— DCEIVER"

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