Tuesday, November 01, 2005


There is nothing I have to say on this that you don't already know:
"On the appeals court, Alito endorsed radical restrictions on reproductive choice -- such as requiring that a woman notify her husband before obtaining an abortion -- raising serious concerns about the future of Roe v. Wade if he is confirmed. He is a leader of the radical right-wing legal movement to prevent the federal gov ernment from enforcing civil rights protections. He has claimed that the federal government cannot fully apply the Family and Medical Leave Act to state employees. He has even argued that Congress could not enact a ban on the possession of machine guns. If confirmed, Alito could be a threat to our rights and liberties for a generation or more."
Stop him or he will ruin you.

The petition section is on the side of the blog. New ones will be added to the top as they come in.

BTW, this (at a minimum) is what conservatives believe:
In short, Bush's second term stands at a crossroads. He sought to avoid this fight a month ago when the recent unpleasantness broke out within the conservative ranks. There are many of us who thought the fight should have been avoided if possible, but now the fight comes to us anyway. We can not avoid it, and we MUST win it. We did not choose to be in this place. We did not create a socio-political context in which a nominee's position on abortion was the only yardstick by which he/she is measured. We did not create a situation in which any and every rhetorical tactic can be employed to undermine a nominee. The Democrats did that by making abortion the focus of Roberts confirmation hearings. The Democrats did that by sliming Judge Alito's record as a prosecutor, implying that he let 20 mobsters off the hook, presumably because he himself is an Italian American.

Once again, we MUST win this fight because to do anything else puts our whole agenda in jeapordy, not just the Supreme Court. We must win this fight because if we lose it may become impossible for the President to get any nominee short of Alberto Gonzales through the Senate. And lastly, we must win this fight because there are a lot of us who really owe the President a win right now (you know who you are), and now is the time to redeem that debt. Get to work people! Start pounding on those keyboards!
They will win ONLY if we let them!

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