Saturday, October 29, 2005

Libby, Libby, Libby Means Nothing, Nothing, Nothing...

From a comment on a blog that seemed to sum up the value of the Libby indictment nicely:
It appears to me that Fitzgerald has decided to hand off the hot potato “issues” that go to the heart of his case against Libby and are of paramount importance to exposing the “culture of corruption” in today’s Republican Party.

From what I can tell, Fitzgerald essentially has indicated that he will not be an “activist” prosecutor delving into the reasons behind Libby feeling compelled to commit perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements. In other words, Fitzgerald has apparently decided to blow off getting to the bottom of “why” Libby lied and “what” motivated Libby to lie.

So, Fitzgerald will not reconstruct a historical timeline dating back before Bush started war in Iraq, with all the administration hype about Iraqi WMD, which Mr. Wilson rebutted, which caused some neo-cons to retaliate by exposing the CIA NOC identity of Mr. Wilson’s wife, which goes to the heart of why Libby lied and tried to cover up the lie.

From what I can tell, Mr. Fitzgerald has decided to punt these hot button “issues” to Congress, and into the hands of any stout-hearted, patriotic souls still remaining in Congress who might want to conduct hearings into the impeachable offenses of the rogue Bush administration.

Fat chance that this will happen.

In other words, Fitzgerald has said it’s not his job to hold a presidency accountable for any impeachable misdeeds like lying our country into war. He is indicating in his indictment of Libby that he believes it is Congress’ responsibility to look into this preamble of the Plame affair…if anyone in Congress is interested.
In other words, ZERO.

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