Sunday, May 22, 2005

Venezuela Next Target for Bush Oil War?

There's a reason I read Daily Kos. It's because at least a dozen citizen journalists spend hundreds of hours combing news services of every type culling information that (in their specific area of interest) seems outstanding, unusual or otherwise notable. Therefore, daily Kos has broken more useful news than any commercial broadcast source of which I know.

From dKos comes this and folks, the diarist makes sense:
I've diaried occasionally about the psy ops and propaganda Bushco is levelling at the Chavez regime in Venezuela and at home in the American media. Venezuela - with the world's fifth largest oil reserves and a leader twice as popular as Bush - is a natural candidate for Bushco "regime change". The National Endowment for Democracy is spending millions to target the most popular democratically elected government in our hemisphere. See here and here and here.

Today the Bushco campaign escalates to a new level as former Senate staffer, White House and Pentagon official Douglas MacKinnon asserts in the Houston Chronicle that Chavez is seeking nuclear weapons from Iran and medium-range ballistic missiles to attack the United States. He says Chavez is a madman and poses a bigger threat to the United States than Osama Bin Laden. While it isn't the first time that MacKinnon has attacked Chavez outrageously, the nuke allegations are clearly designed to press the American panic button and raise the call to action.
This is no accident, folks! Bushco has failed to position itself to exploit Iraq as it wanted. Bushco has been stymied in attacking Iran by Europe, the Russians and the Chinese. Bushco needs cheap oil to keep the SUV-loving patriots that vote GOP happy, and that leaves Venezuela.

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