Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Deal On Social Security? Do Dems Just Hate Us?

I'm beginning to feel like a winger. That's because the idea of the Social Security deal that appears to be brewing is making me feel like going nucular!
"For months, the Social Security debate has been stuck in an endless round of recriminations between President George W. Bush and Capitol Hill Democrats. But with House and Senate committees ready to start drafting a Social Security overhaul in June, partisan whining is likely to wind down. And while it is too early to know whether Bush and Congress will reach a deal, the framework for an agreement is -- surprisingly -- beginning to take shape."
Heck, even Kos agrees with me on this one.
Why any Democrat would want to give bush "half a victory" rather than an anvil is beyond me, and completely and utterly unacceptable. Here's an issue we have used to drive Bush and his allies into the ground (helped by DeLay's ethical messes and some other side issues, as well). Here's an issue that we can ride to major electoral gains in 2006.
Why should we make a deal to fix an unbroken program? So we don't look like obstructionists? Why the hell do we look like obstructionists when we refuse to do the absolutely wrong thing? Was it obstructionist of the USA when we refused to allow Hitler to stay in Paris after he occupied it (argument sound familiar)? Just because Republicans lied, cheated and stole to get the majority doesn't mean they have a right to dismantle the government before they're thrown out! Dems have got to stop making deals. Maybe they need to revisit how making deals with thieves Europeans worked for the American Indians...we know who (still) loses.

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