Monday, May 23, 2005

Mr. Smith Can Go To Washington (But He'd Better Watch His Back)

A deal. Who won? Well, Dems did, but not the way I think we will (winning seats in 2006) when the switch is finally pulled (after Rove believes he has a way to off-set the bad polling numbers). Until then I think the best way to really comprehend the scope of this win (and dig it while the loser is self-flagellating) is to read how a Repug loser describes this loss. Here's a good one from right-wing blog Power Line:
"Finally, and most importantly, the president probably will be unable to get a Supreme Court Justice confirmed this session unless he appoints a moderate. And barring Republican gains in 2006, he probably will be unable to appoint a conservative Justice at all.

Senator Graham and his friends have likely given away one of the president's most important powers. I hope they enjoy the praise they are about to get from the Washington Post and the New York Times."
Don't forget (he writes earlier), "President Bush should respond with aggressive recess appointees."

I'm quite sure that a politician who is willing to lie about another country so he can invade and kill hundreds of thousands for his Own Private War, already has that plan wrapped and in the can.

[UPDATE 5-25-05] Maybe I should have been more pointed when I wrote the 5-23 post but in my view our 'win' with the deal was not a true win, just a postponement of the inevitable and in the end, a loss; any winger judges are too many. I have been posting vociferously that point of view on other blogs but realized I had not been so clear on my own...sorry. Kos does not agree with me on this issue, but David Corn does.

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