Friday, November 19, 2004

Pandora's Black Box

There are so many fires that need putting out: the CIA purging of actual intelligence (i.e. Bush critics), Rice's likely cabinet appointment, Delay's mercs disemboweling their ethics to save their cash cow, and the endless waste of our Social Security and children's lives, dragging on in Iraq.

I, however, still can't get off the election and the uncounted, miscounted, lost and stolen votes. Maybe because I am convinced the election was rigged and hence my conclusion that nothing the 56 million who voted for sanity can do after that fact will have an effect on the thieving horde entrenching itself in power. I mean, why try to figure out what it appears Bush voters want liberals to "get" (values, morals, a Jesus on every dashboard) if those are either not their interests or if they didn't win and we did? And if we did win, the horror of what that suggests - a coup by Karl Rove and minions financed by billionaire sociopaths that could make a Dr. Strangelove meets The Handmaid's Tale hell on earth a reality - and us without a smoking gun?

One reason some universities are madly crunching numbers is to look at the anomalies in the election results. If states where black boxes were used consistently return results statistically abnormal, there are implications that become a defacto smoking gun...recounts and even new elections can be demanded.

And evidence that nearly screams intentional mismanagement and individual incompetence, if not fraud, keep piling up. Read it for yourself - voter rolls in black trash bags stopped on the way to a shredder - info at Stolen Election 2004: Wednesday update

As a post to this blog reminds me, Stalin put it best: "It isn't the people who vote who decide elections, but the ones who count the votes."

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