Friday, November 12, 2004

Friday...and the vote is still out...

Yesterday I wrote:
Do Not buy the ho-hum dismissal from conservapunds that it is something between an internet hoax and a conspiracy theory; folks from Alliance for Democracy have (hopefully) raised the $110,000 they need to pay to have a recount in every precinct in Ohio - if you can contribute go to the website link I have newly added (under Activist) or go to this section of the Randi Rhodes site. Oh, and there's a new Media link - for Greg Palast - also a supporter of the count, with a very cool site of his own.

Today, from AlterNet, I add A Legitimate Recount Effort In Ohio.

A taste from the article:
"It's re-certified," Arnebeck said. "If Kerry emerges victorious, he's president." Of course, a certification in Kerry's favor for Ohio won't take away the fact that Bush won the popular vote by 3.5 million votes.

And the clock is ticking on the Ohio process. In coming days, the Ohio secretary of state is expected to announce that the provisional ballots have been counted. A losing candidate for president then has 5 days to request a recount, filing the paperwork and filing fee. That cost is $10 per precinct, which comes to slightly more than $110,000. As of Friday morning, $35,000 had been raised.

Okay, who didn't send in their $10? Come on - a whole precinct for $10 and what if we have the winning number? Can you feel it? Say it with me...PRESIDENT KERRY.

And so while this is going on, what does the (liberal) New York Times write? Vote Fraud Theories, Spread by Blogs, Are Quickly Buried comment.

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