Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The vote is STILL out.

If you were wondering the inference of that little tag ending my last post, it was a reference to my belief that the election results are false (manipulated). So far this article from AlterNet Worse Than 2000? is my pick for a good laundry list of the evidence (my two-cents on this are in my 11-4 post). For info on black boxes and associated problems visit BLACK BOX VOTING.COM. To participate in a recounting effort visit Bev Harris's non-profit Help America Audit at BlackBoxVoting.ORG (this organization is separate from BLACKBOXVOTING.COM). Also check out DemocraticUnderground.Com and Randi Rhodes excellent coverage on Air America is a must.

Skepticism of the election results is not whining or denial as some are going to claim. It is one prong of a strategy we will be creating (in a perfectly liberal style) on the fly (more on how that is a liberal style in a future post) to keep pressure on every suspicious action coming from the opposition (and they're all suspicious to me).

Most important, we owe the Americans who we convinced their vote counts that their vote does count. That's a moral obligation - you tell people you're going to protect their vote - you see it through. There are enough irregularities that some votes didn't count, and that is not okay with me.

Further, a cabal that will steal (the first election), lie (to start a war) and cheat (manipulation) to win at any cost (the ends justifies the means) should be under scrutiny 24/7. We can take the fight to them like they did to Bill Clinton (except this crew is F'n everybody)!

Somewhere a stain is seeking it's dress...

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