Saturday, January 14, 2006

Talking Christian Left to the Religious Right

As an agnostic the arguments of the religious on either side of the aisle mean little to me. However, I am always interested in how the politics of their ideas play out. The following dKos diary brings up some very interesting points:
Two useful guiding principles when confronting the Radical Religious Right.: "The first is the concept of 'Liberty of Conscience'. Unless individuals voluntarily choose to do what is right, then faith and ethics are either coerced or wrongly motivated. Bill Moyers put it this way: 'the reason for so much of the dissent that has marked Baptist history--is the right of the individual to follow the dictates of his or her conscience, free from the oppression of an overarching authority, secular or ecclesiastical.'

The second is what Paul Tillich calls the 'Protestant Principle'. Protestantism's scriptural principle is 'a church reformed but always open to further reformation.' Subjection to the word of God means that no traditions or institutions, secular or religious, not even Reformation or Protestant ones, can be considered absolutes. The Protestant principle is the prophetic judgment against religious pride, ecclesiastical arrogance and secular self - sufficiency and their destructive consequences."

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