Friday, November 18, 2005

When in Doubt, Pay For Really Big Ads

Is it me or does it seem particularly slimey when the government resorts to advertising to get support? Aren't we all pretty immune to ads--I mean, any third-grader can tell you advertiser's lie, er, advertise to get you to buy stuff you don't usually need--and now the government is trying to sell you something too? Hmmmm....
"Fighting a decline in public support for the Iraq war and his own leadership, U.S. President George W. Bush and Republican allies have chosen to court his political base with a campaign-style offensive against Democrats.

The Republican National Committee on Friday unveiled a new television advertisement accusing Senate Democrats of dishonesty for turning against a war they originally supported, although polls show the broad U.S. public following a similar track from support to disillusionment.

It was the latest volley in an offensive Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney launched last week to attack war critics as unpatriotic and hypocritical.

Analysts saw the push as a response by a worried White House to stop an erosion in popularity that has extended to Bush's bedrock supporters, such as military households, married voters and even the NASCAR auto-racing fans emblematic of his conservative base.

Pollster John Zogby said his surveys showed majorities of such groups no longer supported Bush. 'That's the heart of his base. Bush has to at least get back support from some of those,' Zogby said."

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