Friday, November 18, 2005

DuPont Hates Its Consumers

There's a reason big corporations need strict regulation and supervision: they are not corporeal beings (though they have first amendment protection), they do not have moral reflection (though their administrator's craft soulful Mission Statements suggesting otherwise) and they are beholden to nobody (except the corporate share-holders who are given the same 'data' as those consuming the product).

We need to dump all the legislators--Republican and Democrat alike who are in the pockets of these liars--NOW would be a good time to start:
DuPont Co. hid studies showing the risks of a Teflon-related chemical used to line candy wrappers, pizza boxes, microwave popcorn bags and hundreds of other food containers, according to internal company documents and a former employee.
The chemical Zonyl can rub off the liner and get into food. Once in a person's body, it can break down into perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts, known as PFOA, a related chemical used in the making of Teflon-coated cookware.

The Environmental Protection Agency has been trying to decide whether to classify PFOA as a 'likely' human carcinogen. The Food and Drug Administration, in a letter released Wednesday evening by DuPont, said it was continuing to monitor the safety of PFOA chemicals in food.

The DuPont documents were made public Wednesday by the Environmental Working Group, a research and advocacy organization.

At the same time, a former DuPont chemical engineer, Glenn Evers, told reporters at a news conference at EWG's office that the company long suppressed its studies on the chemical.

'They are toxic,' Evers said of the PFOA chemicals. 'They get into human blood. And they are also in every one of you. Your loved ones, your fellow citizens.'

From 1981 to 2002, Evers helped DuPont develop new products. He lost his job in 2002 in what DuPont described as a company restructuring."

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