Sunday, November 06, 2005

What's Up With Male Contraception?

I have repeatedly asked moralist wingers why, if they hate abortion so much, they don't fight to prevent it with the same vigor? I have NEVER received an answer--not once.

Their silence leads me to believe that the answer, were they to speak it, opens into a truth of the matter they don't want to address. First, their argument is based on moral grounds which when taken to task by science falls short of the reality of birth-control's obvious plus in a modern society. Second, they don't care about birth control because it mainly affects women--as does abortion--and for men (the most vocal of pro-choice opponents) birth control via condom means less sexual pleasure, a decidedly 'deflating' emotional outcome of such a discussion.

I think liberals need to take the pro-life attack on women's reproductive freedom head on via birth control. So let me start here and now with this bit of rather old but interesting information:
Way seen to male birth-control pill: "University of Massachusetts researchers will announce today that they have discovered a strategy for immobilizing sperm and have reached an agreement with a Norwegian company to develop a male contraceptive pill.

The finding is occurring five decades after scientists, also in Central Massachusetts, devised a formula for a women's birth control pill, one with worldwide social and sexual repercussions so great that it came to be known simply as the Pill.

The approach by the UMass Medical School scientists involves turning off the tiny tails that allow sperm to swim to the female egg for fertilization. If their theory is right -- and animal studies suggest it is -- the method could result in a male contraceptive that is easy to take, free of side effects, and reversible."

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