Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sean, We're Not in Utah Anymore

Last night on a segment of the always entertaining Blue-Collar-Man in OZ-ian Fox programming of Hannity & Colmes, I saw Toto pull back the curtain on "Wizard" Hannity!

Parading out a Utah talk-show host recently fired from his one-year stint hosting a "swap meet" program for an apparently innocent on-air gaffe, it appears Hannity played the audio clip he needed to make his case but the fired host answered to a different charge!

The clip representing the incident leading to the firing sounded innocent enough. We hear a caller come on the air and offer a "beautiful" Mexican roping saddle. After a bit of banter the host asks "Would that be good for roping Mexicans down at the border"? Laughter, end of clip. Now our fired host is live on-screen and Hannity answers for his guest "That was just a joke right"? Yes, of course, our supposedly beleaguered ex-host answers and had it not gone much further it surely would have sounded like a case of over-reaction on the station's part. But wait--another question from Hannity (clearly intended to drive home how our host is just a "good old guy") and somehow Hannity, likely referring to a secretary who had delivered the bad news to the host is misunderstood by the on-screen firee as someone else. He now answers "I TOLD HER when she called in that it was just a joke and that she should get over it..." to which Hannity nonplussed smiles and cuts to Colmes who restates for our now off-screen ex-host "Clearly a case of over-reaction by that radio show's management..." blah, blah, blah.

Who wants to put good money on the table that the real firing incident was over a call that came in subsequent to the saddle quip and that our talk-show host--one of those white guys who just gets so damn pissed when you call him on his barely suppressed racism--got all indignant on her.

Thank God for those unstoppable Toto moments when guys like Hannity, who view themselves as the Wizards of winger media, get revealed for what they really are: nasty little trolls using smoke and mirrors to cover up the fair and balanced part of the news!

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