Friday, December 16, 2005

Anti-War = American Threat?

National Lawyers Guild:
"The Partnership for Civil Justice, a civil rights litigation firm, today filed a Freedom of Information Request on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild and the anti-war group the ANSWER Coalition after learning that the Department of Defense (DOD) is maintaining a database of identified “threats” that includes information on protests and political activists who oppose the war. Defense officials responded to reports of the database on Tuesday by saying that the Pentagon has a right to maintain information to help protect military installations. One of the database listings was a major anti-war protest on March 19, 2005 identified in the Pentagon’s records as taking place at Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles.

A confidential DOD document, according to NBC News, indicates in-depth domestic surveillance such as the specific monitoring of vehicles and specific individuals from one protest to another. The database lists 1,500 “suspicious incidents” around the country over a 10-month period, including four dozen anti-war meetings or protests."

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