Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2006--End Times for Radical Republican Domination

Liberty Counsel is very proud of its self-proclaimed mission to reverse the Constitutional separation of church and state, require taxes be collected and used for religious activities and generally undermine the founders intention that reason, not the dogma of one type or branch of religion, underpins legislation that affects all citizens regardless of their beliefs.

Here is just a brief burst of the damage they pride themselves for in 2005:
  • Argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of the Ten Commandments.
  • Won two major Ten Commandments cases in two different courts of appeal, both of which rejected the ACLU's "separate of church and state" arguments.
  • Filed briefs in several landmark cases before the High Court - regarding religious freedom, parental notification regarding abortion, and physician-assisted suicide.
  • Won a case against the San Diego School District, the second largest district in California, which resulted in a new school policy that allows Good News Clubs to meet on elementary school campuses free of charge.
  • Received a unanimous 3-0 victory from a New York appeals court that stopped Mayor Jason West from solemnizing same-sex marriages, and won a 4-1 decision from another New York appeals court that upheld the state's marriage laws.
  • Blocked the Montgomery County, Maryland, school district from implementing a radical homosexual sex education curriculum - this was the first successful lawsuit in the country against a homosexual curriculum.
  • Won a major appeals court ruling on behalf of a kindergarten student who was humiliated when his drawing was censored because it had a picture of Jesus.
  • Successfully defended multiple challenges against "Choose Life" license plates.
  • Resolved hundreds of threats to religious liberty without having to file suit.
And they expect 2006 to be a banner year...

The next time you hear wingers invite (with open arms it would seem) homosexuals into their little fox's den keep in mind that it is their sole intention to remove any and all protection for homosexuals for inclusion into society. Further, it is their additional intent to quietly yet pervasively strip the rights of consenting adults (regardless of sexual orientation) to enjoy whatever sexual practice and birth control they chose if it conflicts with their homophobic, anti-erotic and anti-feminist religious doctrines.

Keep in mind that the direct mission of two of their base's loudest religious cheering squads --Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition --is to repeal sexual liberty innovations including birth control. If they have their way the only sexual behavior you will be practicing will result in procreation: you WILL be a vessel for the State and the State WILL be a vessel for God. This is a far cry from their claim that they wish only to level the secular playing field or balance conservative and liberal political agendas.

Think I'm kidding? Think again...

When Karl Rove assisted Tom DeLay with his dirty tricks to win a majority in the Texas legislature DeLay's first act was to gerrymander the state to ensure it remained that way FOREVER. He had no problem illegally using Federal--not state-- agents to locate and extract Democrats who had the right to refuse the illegal activity from neighboring Oklahoma where they had been driven to hide (!) to get his dirty job done! How is that "balancing"? When DeLay took his illegal form of campaign reform to the federal government it became arm-twisting and pocket-lining with Republican-only appropriations bills and legislation written and then rewritten in the dead-of-night or with only hours notice to Democrats (if at all)...how is this balancing? Do you think the rest of the government is being run any differently when its agencies looks the other way and worse, intends to pack the courts with political judges who support this fanatical anti-democratic agenda as well?

At what point do you wake up and understand a fascist America is developing before your eyes?! Where is this protected or even envisioned in the Constitution?

There is NO intention of BALANCE in the politically motivated, Republican led government America is currently drowning under and the religious base is not only cut of the same cloth, it has been the support mechanism. Their intentions are no better than to lie, cheat, steal, distort and arm-twist whoever and whatever it takes to get their pathologically delusional version of the End-Times into real political play and worse, they are masquerading as average Christians who just want a fair shake in the public debate--BLASPHEMERS! Were the historical Jesus alive today he'd be in Congress overturning their tables and throwing them out of America's house.

It's 2006 and time we did the same...a democratic America depends on it.

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