Monday, November 21, 2005

A 'Loyal Opposition' Won't End the War

If I believe the administration "fixed" the intelligence to enable an invasion of Iraq, why am I posting the following, seemingly contradictory, view?

First, consistent with my views that human life is not inviolable and that there are special circumstances for and humane processes of killing when necessary, I am not anti-war.

Second, wingers are convinced Clinton and Democrats did nothing about terrorism on their watch. The following demonstrates both did more than enough.

So, from those whose position I do not share, more about pre-invasion Iraq from those farther left than I:
Iraq: A 'Loyal Opposition' Won't End the War: "The Democrats cannot be allowed to use faulty intelligence as a crutch to hold up their unforgivable support for the Iraq invasion. What is DNC Chair Howard Dean's excuse? He wasn't in Congress and didn't have any access to Senate intelligence. Still, on March 9, 2003, just days before the invasion began, Dean told Tim Russert, on NBC's Meet The Press, "I don't want Saddam staying in power with control over those weapons of mass destruction. I want him to be disarmed."

During the New Hampshire primary in January 2004, which I covered for Democracy Now!, I confronted Dean about that statement. I asked him on what intelligence he based that allegation. 'Talks with people who were knowledgeable,' Dean told me. 'Including a series of folks that work in the Clinton administration.'

A series of folks that work in the Clinton administration.

How does that jibe with the official Democratic line that they were misled by the Bush administration? Sounds like Howard Dean, head of the Democratic Party, was misled by... the Democrats. Dean's candor offers us a rare glimpse into the painful truth of the matter. As unpopular as this is to say, when President Bush accuses the Democrats of 'rewriting history' on Iraq, he is right.

None of the horrors playing out in Iraq today would be possible without the Democratic Party. And no matter how hard some party leaders try to deny it, this is their war too and will remain so until every troop is withdrawn. There is no question that the Bush administration is one of the most corrupt, violent and brutal in the history of this country but that doesn't erase the serious responsibility the Democrats bears for the bloodletting in Iraq."

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